1月为雅思变题季. 雅思口语话题将有30%左右的话题被新题替换. 目前已经有个别考生开始陆续参加今年第一场雅思口语考试.
新题①:历史事件 Describe an event in history in yourcountry You should say: Where it happened When it happened How you know it What happened And how you feel about this event. 这个题目可能会让考生感觉到很难,或者有一瞬间的懵,但是各位烤鸭完全不需要把它想得太复杂,可以说一些比较耳熟能详的历史事件,比如:新中国成立,北京奥运会(这个还可以与旧题“a sport stadium that is important in your city”中“鸟巢”的素材联系一下),“天宫一号”发射成功,三顾茅庐等等。注意在说的过程中,一定要注意逻辑,千万不要说乱了。
新题②:有意思的邻居 Describe an interesting neighbor You should say: Who this person is How you know this person What this person likes to do And explain why you think this neighbor is interesting 这个就是很典型的人物话题,所谓换汤不换药,这个话题完全可以和旧题”a person who once made you laugh”做一个联系,套路都是一样的。
新题③:兴奋的活动 Describe an activity that you feel excited You should say: What it is Where you can do it How you do it And explain why you feel excited 这道题在以前的旧题中同样是有迹可循的,比如我们可以根据 “ an outdoor activity”, “an interesting or unusual thing you do inyour spare time”, “a journey you would like to go on by car,motorbike, or bike”, “an activity that helps you to keep fit”,” anactivity near water”,等旧题来做一些小修改即可。主要的思考方向为旅游,运动,和朋友做的开心事。
新题④:未来假期 Describe a holiday you want to go on in thefuture You should say: Where you want to go When you would like to go What you can do for the holiday Who you would like to go with And explain why you want to have this holiday 这道题其实也是旧题翻新啦,可以和我们之前准备的旅游类的话题做一些联系,同时还可以通过对旧题 “a time you planned for a happy event”, “ an interesting or unusualthing you do in you spare time”, “a journey you would like to go on by car,motorbike, or bike”, “ a place that can be good to relax”等做一些小修改来搞定这道题目。
新题⑤:和孩子在一起 Describe an experience you spend your timewith a child You should say: When you spent time with this child Who this child was What you did together And how you felt about it 这个话题虽然是一个事件类的话题,但是我们可以把它和旧题中人物类的话题做一个联系,就拿旧题”a person who you like to spend time with”为例,只要把这个旧题中的主人公改成孩子就OK啦。同时我们也可以说说陪孩子做游戏,带弟弟妹妹去游乐场,给辅读学校的孩子当老师等等故事。
新题⑥:刚开业的商店 Describe a shop that just opened in yourhometown You should say: Where the shop is When it opened What it sells And how you feel about the shop 这个话题完全可以用旧题“a business that you would like to open if you have the time”中的素材,只是需要改改时态,把这个还没做的business改成已经open的shop 即可,同时,我们也能说一些其他的素材,比如首饰店,蔬果店(和健康类的话题做一个联系),玩具店等等。
新题⑦:与学习工作无关的计划 Describe a plan in your life(that is notrelated to work or study) You should say: What it was about When you made it How it worked And how you felt about the result 可以与新题“兴奋的活动”以及“未来的假期”做一个联系,同时旧题“a time you planned for a happy event”, “ a team project for study orentertainment”( 这个话题只取entertainment部分)中的素材也有很多是可以用上的。这道题目的思考方向一般就是旅游,运动,和朋友做的开心事等等。
注意:七悠雅思app中1-4月的新题素材已经开始陆续更新,老用户直接进入app的预测页面点击“有新题“进行更新。七悠雅思公众号(ielts7u)接下来会继续为小烤鸭带来最新的新题解析和预测。如果更新新题有问题的话,可以加微信号p2ielts进行咨询 ![]() |