七悠雅思APP中口语新题素材已推送。请已购买素材的小烤鸭们关注APP的更新推送,未购买的同学也可以看到新题的题卡。 敬请关注公众号,及时收藏~ 转发给有需要的小伙伴,人品大爆发! Part1新题 —
1. TV program
2. Trees
3. Window view
4. Name
5. Decoration
6. Maths
7. Singing
8. Getting up early
9. Reading
10. Taking a rest
11. Being happy
12. New Year
13. Farming
14. Museum(老题回库)
15. Home country
Part2新题 —
1. 去过的艺术展 Describe an art exhibition you have visited You should say:
2. 你能传授的技能 Describe a skill that you think you can teach other people You should say:
3. 国际新闻 Describe a piece of international news you recently heard You should say:
4. 看现场体育比赛 Describe a live sport match that you have watched You should say:
5. 告诉朋友真相 Describe a time when you told your friend an important truth You should say:
6. 发挥想象力 Describe a time you needed to use your imagination (老题回库) You should say:
7. 特别的酒店 Describe a special hotel you have stayed in You should say:
8. 礼貌的人 Describe a polite person you know(老题回库) You should say:
9. 未来想从事的完美工作 Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future(老题回库) You should say:
10. 许下承诺 Describe a time you made a promise to someone You should say:
11. 拜访过但是不想住的家 Describe a home that you visited but did not want to live in You should say:
12. 感兴趣的名人 Describe a famous person you are interested in(老题回库) You should say:
13. 穿奇装异服的人 Describe a person who you think wears unuaual clothes You should say:
14. 接近野生动物 Describe a time when you got close to wild animals(老题回库) You should say:
15. 家里长久保存的重要东西 Describe something important that has been kept in your family for a long time You should say:
16. 买过感到开心的东西 Describe a thing that you bought and felt pleased about(老题回库) You should say:
17. 有趣的谈话 Describe an interesting conversation(老题回库) You should say:
18. 童年喜欢的玩具 Describe a toy you liked in your childhood(老题回库) You should say:
19. 无聊的经历 Describe a time when you felt bored(老题回库) You should say:
20. 第一次吃的食物 Describe a time when you ate something for the first time(老题回库) You should say:
21. 难忘的自行车旅行 Describe an unforgettable bike trip you had(老题修改回库) You should say:
22. 给别人建议 Describe a time when you gave advice to others(老题修改回库) You should say:
23. 开学第一天 Describe the first day of your school You should say:
24. 不喜欢但常有的短途旅行 Describe a short trip you often take but do not like(老题回库) You should say:
25. 喜欢的城区一部分 Describe a part of a city or town you enjoy spending time in(老题回库) You should say:
26. 长时间排队的经历 Describe a time you had to wait in line (queue up) for a long time You should say:
27. 电脑宕机 Describe a time when your computer broke down You should say:
28. 喜欢的天气 Describe a kind of weather you like(老题回库) You should say:
29. 鼓励别人做不愿做的事 Describe a time when you encouraged someone to do something that he/she didn't want to do You should say:
P2旧题保留标注 — 新一季中仍然被考到的旧题目,会持续在APP中标注出来,带(1-4月保留)标记。