完整版 | 5-8月雅思口语题库-Part 2 & Part 3(人物篇&地点篇)
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1.帮助过我的人(new) Describe a helpful person at work/school. You should say: Who he or she is; When and where he or she helped you; How he or she helped you; And explain how you felt about his or her help.
Part3: 1.What are the qualities of being helpful? 2.Do you think children should be taught to help others? 3.Do you know someone who really likes helping people? 4.What can parents do to cultivate children’s quality of helping others? 2.婚姻幸福的夫妇(new) Describe a couple you know who you think have a happy marriage. You should say: Who they are; How you got to know them; How long they’ve been married; And explain why you think they have a happy marriage.
Do you often attend a wedding? What wedding gifts are popular in China? Why do Chinese people like to go to celebrations like wedding ceremony? What do you think the ideal age for getting married? 3.新朋友(new) Describe a new friend you have made recently. You should say: Who the person is What kind of person he/she is How did you meet this person Why did you make friends with him or her
Part3: How do (young) people make new friends? How people choose new friends? Which do you think is more important, friends or family? What can damage friendship? What kinds of people may become good friends? How to make a friendship last long? 4.名人 A famous person in your country You should say: Who this person is, How you know this person, What this person is famous for And explain why you like this person
Part3: 1.In general, how do people become famous? 2.What kinds of people become famous? 3.Do you think to become famous, a person need to have some special talents? 4.What are some general qualities famous people have compared with ordinary people? 5.Compare the way people become famous today with in the past (30 or 50 years ago). 6.In your opinion, were the standards for judging who is famous before better than they are now? 7.What types of people become famous in your country? 8.What qualities do (all or most or many)famous people have in common? 9.Do you think people are famous as a result of some real talent or are they famous for some other reasons? 10.What are the good points about being famous? 5.有趣的邻居 Describe an interesting neighbor. You should say: Who this person is, How you know this person, What this person likes to do, And explain why you think this neighbor is interesting.
1.Do you think neighbors are important? 2.Do you think it's important to have a good relationship with one's neighbors? 3.Do you think people's relationships with their neighbors today is the same as it was in the past? 4.Do you think people's relationships with their neighbors today is the same as it was in the past? 5.What are the benefits of belonging to a community? 6.来自一个家庭的两个人 Describe two people you know from the same family. You should say: Who they are; How much these two people have similar personalities; How much they look similar; And explain how the two people get along with each other.
Part3: Do you think the family is still very important in the current society? Do you think the electronic devices will let the family members be closer? What are the advantages of living in a big family? 7.聪明的人 (new) Describe a thing that a wise person did/a person who gives a clever solution to a problem. You should say: Who he/she is; What he did it; Where he did it; And do you think he is clever.
Part3: How to become a smart person? What can schools do for students’ intellectual development? What suggestions will give to schools to develop their potential? Which do you think is more important? Nature or nurture? Do you think smart students are happy? Why do you think some people are really good at something? 8.有礼貌的人 Describe a polite person you met . You should say: Who this person was, When and where you met this person, How you met, And explain why you think he or she was polite.
Part3: How do Chinese people show politeness? Is there any difference between etiquette in cities and in small towns? How to teach children to be polite? How do you deal with impolite people? What kinds of behavior are not polite? 9.令你骄傲的家人 Describe a time that one of your family member did one thing that you were proud of. You should say: Who this person is , When it happened, And explain why you were proud of it
Part3: 1.What would children do to make their parents proud? 2.What did you do to make your parents proud when you were young? 3.What advantages of yours make you proud? 4.When was the last time that you felt proud of yourself? 10.对你有影响力的家人 Describe a family member who has had important influence on you. You should say: Who the person is, What kind of person he or she is, What this person has done to influence you, And explain why you think this person is important to you.
Part3: 1.These days, people from different generations live together, do you think this is a problem? 2.Why do some children get spoiled at home? 3.Do young adults in your country like to communicate with old people? 4.How much do you think people should be responsible for (the welfare of) their own parents? 5.Do you think family relationships are important? 地点类
1.有很多雇员的大公司或组织 (new) Describe a company or an organization that employs a lot of people. You should say: What it is, How many employees work there, What do employees work, And explain what do you think about it
Part3: What is the difference between the big companies and small companies? Are there many big companies in your country? What are the good things about working for a big company? How can a small company grow big? Should big companies donate more to charities? Should big companies be punished more seriously if they break the law?
2.去过的城市 (new) Describe a city / town that you went before. You should say: Where it is, When you went there, Why you went there, And explain how you felt about it
Part3: 1.What benefits does it bring when a city becomes famous? 2.What influence the buildings will bring to a city? 3.What is the difference between living in a city and living in the countryside? 4.Why do many people like living in the city? 5.How do you think about living in the countryside? 3.人多的地方 (new) Describe a place with lots of people. You should say: When you went there, What you did there, Whom you went with, And explain how you felt about it
Part3: Do you like large places? What events will attract many people in China? What place will attract many people in China? What do you think is the most important thing of an event? What problem is better to be solved through group work? Do people like crowded places in China? 4.家乡新开的店 Describe a shop that just opened in your hometown. You should say: Where the shop is, When it opened, What it sells, And how you feel about the shop.
Part3: 1.Do you like big shops or small shops? 2.Why do some people like to visit small shops? 3.Should governments develop big shops or small shops? 4.Should shops be located in city centers or in the suburbs? 5.What can shops do to attract customers? 5.一个安静的地方 Describe a quiet place. You should say: Where it is, How often you visit there, What you do there, And explain the reason why you like or dislike the place?
Part3: Why do some people not like quiet places? Do you know other quiet places? Do you need a quiet place when you are working? Why do people like to spend time in quiet places? Do you know anyone who likes noise? 6.参观过的感兴趣的房子 Describe an interesting house/ apartment you have visited. You should say: How it looks like, And explain why you are interested in it
Part3: How is modern home design (both inside& outside appearance) in your country different to that of the past? In your country, what type of home do most people live in? Do people prefer to live in modern homes or the older-style homes (e.g., from 50 years ago)? How are modern homes different to older homes? What do you imagine people's houses will be like in the future? Why do people sometimes move to live in a different home? 7.游泳胜地 Describe a popular place where people go swimming. You should say: where it is; what it looks like; what kinds of people usually go there; and explain why people like to go there.
Part3: Is it important to swim? Should children learn how to swim? Who can teach children swimming well? Why can swimming help people become healthier? Should a city have a lot of sports facilities?
8.喜欢的咖啡店 Describe a cafe you like. You should say: Where this café/restaurant is, What type of food and drink this place serves, How often you visit this place, And explain why you like this place.
Part3: 2.Does it give people more status to eat in a restaurant rather than eat at home? 3.Do people now go to restaurants more than before? (Why?/Why not?) 4.What's the difference between eating at home and eating in a restaurant? 5.Is there any difference between home-cooked food and food in restaurants? 6.Which food do you think is healthier, restaurant food or home-cooked food? ![]() |