雅思2016-03-10 16:04:28来源 : 点击:













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由于题目中出现了silkworm, silk cloth, life cycle等词汇,很容易导致考生抓不住描述对象。其实,我们完全可以从流程图大标题下手,提炼出描述对象,至于能不能看懂,根本不重要。

比如上图中的大标题“Life cycle of the silkworm”就是描述对象。

production of silk cloth 也是描述对象。


提炼出描述对象后,在主体段第一句话直接写Life cycle of the silkworm consists of five steps.即可,这样一来便描述出了数据的总趋势,而题目要求明确提出“Summarize the information”,总结数据总体趋势。


其次,出现好多生词是正常现象,我们根本不需要知道第一个图中的moth,muberry leaf和larva是什么意思,只需要看出moth下了好多蛋,larva是吃muberryleaf长大的即可。至于下蛋,完全可以用produce这个动词来表示,而吃则用eat来表示。完全可以满足5.5分作文的要求。







第一,第一步:Firstly, to begin with, in the first step, in the first place

第二,第二步:Secondly, next, at the second step, after that

第三,下一步:Thirdly, at the next stage, then

第四,最后一步:Fourthly, at the final step, lastly, finally











The diagram shows the stages in the process ofmaking chocolate.

(所有的小作文第一句话都要用一般现在时。流程图必备三个词:process:整个过程, stage:阶段,step:步骤)


Chocolatecomesfrom the cacao tree, which is grown in parts of SouthAmerica, Africa and Indonesia.



The tree produces large red pods which contain whitecocoa beans. Firstly, when the pods are ripe,they areharvested, the beans are removed and they are fermented for several days inlarge wooden boxes.

(三个句子的并列:“句子A,句子B and句子C”。)


During the fermenting process, the beans turn brown.

(流程图特点之五:要 适当地添加个别图中没有交代但能从图片中直接读出来的的一些内容,否则可能达不到字数要求。但是一定要把握尺度,千万不要加上自己的主观观点,否则会扣分)

Next,the brown beans are spread in the sun to dry. They arethen put in large sacks and transported by train or lorry. After this, the beans are taken toa chocolate factory where they are roasted in an oven at temperatures ofbetween 250 and 350 degree Celsius.


After beingroasted, the beans are crushed and the outer shell is removed. This part is notneeded for making chocolate. Finally, the inner part of the bean is pressedand liquid chocolate is produced.



Brick manufacturing


The process by which bricks are manufactured for the building industry can be outlined in seven consecutive steps. First the raw material, clay, which was just below the surface of soil in certain clay-rich areas has to be dug up by a digger.


Then the lumps of clayare placed on a metal grid in order to break up the big chunks of clay into much smaller areas, which fall through the metal grid onto a roller, whose motion further segre gates the bits of clay. Sand and water are added to make ahomogenous mixture, which is then either formed in moulds or cut intobrick-shaped pieces by means of a wire cutter.


Those fresh bricks are then kept in a drying oven for at least 24 and a maximum of 48 hours, several dozens if not hundreds of bricks at a time. The dried bricks are then transferred to a so-called kiln, another type of high temperature oven. First they are kept at a moderate temperature of 200 ℃-1300℃. This process is followed by cooling down the finished bricks for 48 to 72 hours in a cooling chamber.


Once the bricks have cooled down and have become hard, they get packaged and delivered to their final destination, be it a building site or storage.
