用一篇7分雅思写作告诉你IELTS WRITING高分的秘密
很多烤鸭们的认知里,雅思词汇可以说是决胜IELTS WRITING的法宝,只要词汇不重复,兼顾词藻华丽和基本用词准确,基本上就能给人留下脱颖而出的第一印象。 但徒有其表往往是不够的,内部的“框架与构造”,以及作者真正的ideas才是决胜的关键。
记得刚来国外写assignments的时候,tutor就特别跟我们说不要花里胡哨,转折就用however,举例就用for example,重复也没有关系……简直是颠覆了小编许多学习雅思时塑造的三观啊!!!由此可见,native speaker在写academic的文章时,还是比较朴实的,只要express或者state相对clear,就已经算是达到目标,任务完成了。
除此之外,更常见的是:很多考生面对一个题目,即使是有很大的词汇量,也不知如何写或如何写出有说服力的连贯语句。这就是因为知识储备中缺少“素材”! 那我们就可以总结出——雅思写作7+,重点拼的是有极强“真实性”的论据,也就是solid evidence。
如果有了这些素材的积累,例子的支撑,你的写作就是两个字——很牛! 那么小编今天就“vocational training” (职业教育)这一话题,给大家送来三个英文素材,各位看官,总过路过不要错过哟~~
★美国职业教育概况: 大意:美国的职业教育主要是在中学或者社区大学里进行,有一部分由联邦政府(federal government)资助,也有一些由企业,工业组织,军队等开展。 这些教育项目是各有特点的。
In the US, vocational education programs are conducted in public secondary schools and community colleges and are financed in part by federal funds, other programs are conducted by business and industry, labour organizations, the armed forces, and private vocational-technical schools. Programs in both public and private institutions are general in scope(范围), providing training for several jobs in an occupational cluster(群). Programs conducted by business, industry, and the armed forces usually focus on particular aspects. Under the Vocational Educational Amendments (1968), vocational programs are administrated by the US Department of Education.
★职业教育的必要性: 大意:技术对职业的冲击,雇主employer要求雇员employee有更高的教育背景,对拥有专门技能的人才的需求等因素,促使职业教育势在必行。
Vocational education refers to instruction on skills necessary for persons who are preparing to enter the labour force or who need training or retraining in the technology of their occupations. The impact of technology on occupations, the tendency of employers to set higher educational requirements, and the need for employees to gain specialized skills have made vocational training imperative (急需的). Part-time programs are essential to provide occupational mobility among workers and to overcome the effects of job obsolescence(过时).
★职业教育的涵盖范围: 大意:职业教育有短期(short-term)和长期(long-term)之分,包括办公技能,农业,贸易,健康服务和技术培训等,覆盖面很广泛。
Vocational education programs range from short-unit (ten weeks or less) to long-term programs up to two years in length. The programs include numerous occupational areas, such as office skills, agriculture, various trades, health services, and technical training. The scope of vocational education is broad, ranging from occupations requiring little skill to those requiring a high degree of skills and scientific knowledge. Jobs requiring minimum training are not generally included in formal programs because the necessary skills can be readily learned on the job.
以上就是小编为大家搜罗的有关vocational education programs的素材啦~~快把他们收入囊中,让自己的文章更有说服力吧! |