雅思口语考试必问题:study 也有这些门道!
【福利】 2019年1-4月口语话题P1P2P3题卡完整版PDF! 身为一只正在备考的烤鸭,关于雅思口语你不得不搞定以下几个题,因为它们都是口语考试part 1部分的必考题,考官会用它来确定你的身份,并且当作给你暖场,放松心情,进入考试状态。所以它们的共同特点是,都和你的基本个人信息相关,是你最熟悉的话题。 考官了解你的姓名之后,紧接着会提问你是学生还是已经工作Do you work or are you a student,今天先看study. 1. What major are you studying? 2. Why did you choose to study that subject? 3. What courses do you like and dislike? [why/why not] 4. Where do you study? 5. Why did you choose this school/university?
What major are you studying? 我们提到过,说出句子会比只说一个词来得好,所以最好是说一个句子,比如: My major is computer science. I major in computer science. I’m studying the major of computer science. 紧接着的问题必然是Why,你可以直接接着上面的答案说下去,喜不喜欢这个专业,为什么选这个专业等等,也有可能考官接话接的快些,紧接着就问你: Why did you choose to study that subject? 条件反射地,你会用because开头,这没错,符合逻辑,而且假如后面的理由陈述得好自然是没问题的,比如: Because I like this major very much. Computer science is a little bit challenging but I’m good at it so I enjoy doing this subject. Also, I can get a decent job easily after I graduate from the university. 但如果你能想出的理由比较单一,开头的时候应该给自己争取一点时间,用“总起”的方式就可以办到: There are many reasons why I choose computer science as a major. 或者The reasons are complicated, you know. 再加上理由,也很自然,而且能让答案显得更长。 总结一下回答这个问题的角度可以有: 1. 是否喜欢这个专业(是不是自己选的,还是父母家人建议的?) like/enjoy, dislike/don't like/hate It's my cup of tea 它是我喜爱的。 2. 专业内容难不难,有趣吗(还可以列举课程) easy, hard, difficult, challenging, interesting, boring 3. 日后发展怎么样(找工作,深造可行性) find a decent job, do further study, go to study abroad
What courses do you like and dislike? 总起可以说:We have so many subjects, of course. 上次讲过的举例子(example)的方法在这里也可以使用,for example, for instance. 今天再说两个,such as以及like,都能引出短语或者词汇,不能加句子。 接着讲: I like some of the courses such as Academic Writing and Theory of Software Engineering because I can learn a lot in these courses and the professors are very nice and supportive. However, I hate doing courses like Introduction to Technology because the lectures are so boring. Where do you study? 问地点,自然就是学校的name,location,还可以提一提现在几年级,在那待了多久了,喜不喜欢这个学校,这些都是extra information额外信息。 I'm studying in Nanjing University and I’m in the new campus on the outskirts of the city. I have been studying there for two years and I like this university very much. 不管你说喜欢还是不喜欢,考官都可能会追问,为何选择在此读书:
Why did you choose this school/university? 这个问题在申请学校写Personal Statement的时候也要提及,比如名气大,历史悠久,教学质量好,环境优美,注重学生身心健康,涉及到人、地、事、时、物各个方面; object—名气大(good reputation) time—历史悠久(long history) place—环境优美(beautiful campus surroundings) event—教学质量好(excellent education quality) people—重学生身心健康(pay attention to the wellbeing of their students) 组织一下语言: I choose it because of many reasons. The main reason is that it has a good reputation and long history. Also the campus surroundings are beautiful and pleasant. I’ve heard that its education quality is excellent while at the same time it pays much attention to the wellbeing of all the students. So I think it’s a good university. ![]() |