雅思2016-04-22 12:40:18来源 : 点击:

 #最新考情# 4.21雅思写作考题与解析 


大作文:环境话题,消费品生产的增加导致环境破坏,分析原因和办法。The increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage tothe natural environment. What are the causes and what can be done to solve thisproblem?(题目来自考生回忆)


这个题目的原因可以写:1.为了满足人们对于消费品不断增加的需求(meet people's increasing demand for consumer goods),工厂普遍使用机器生产(wide use of machines)。生产需要消耗大量的能源和资源(consume large quantities of fuels and resources),产生污染物和排放(generate pollutants and emissions)。还有些企业为了追求经济利益(pursue economic benefits),会过度开采自然资源(exploitnatural resources),甚至采取某些违法行为(commit illegal activities),比如砍伐森林和盗猎(deforestationpoaching

解决办法可以写:1. 改变生活方式,过节俭的生活(lead economical lifestyles2. 开发新能源(develop cleaner fuels),取代化石燃料(replace fossil fuels),改造生产工艺(update the process of production),引进先进设备(introduceadvanced equipment),废品回收(recycle waste products3. 政府制定政策法规(make policies and enforce laws),惩罚破坏环境的行为(punish anybehaviour that damage the environment)。




1 There isno denying that the rapid economic growth andtechnologicaladvance have caused serious damage to the environment. The modern manufacturingindustry produces large quantities of goods, making our lives more comfortableand convenient, while it increases the consumption of energy and resources.Besides, due to the improved living standard, more andmore people buy private cars and the exhaust fumes emitted by carslead to air pollution in the city. People enjoy bettermaterial lifenow, but they throw away a huge number of waste products, which arehard to deal with.    


2Despite thefact that our environment is deteriorating, I do notagree that environmental problems cannot be avoided. Instead, there is muchthat we can do to solve these problems. For instance, the research anddevelopment of cleaner fuels such assolar and nuclear energy havebeen put on the agenda in manycountries. We can expect these new forms of energy to replace fossil fuels step bystep. Recycling technology also needs to be improved andpromoted, so the waste products could be reused and their harmful effects onthe environment would be minimized. Moreover,any behavior that damages the environment should be strictly punished,including discharging waste water, poachingdeforestation, etc. 

