Task:The range and quality of food has been improved with the development of technology and scientific advances. Some peopel think it is good and others think it is harmful. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. 随着科学技术的进步,食品的种类,质量都有了提高。有人认为这种现象是好的,也有人觉得这样是有害的。讨论双方观点,并给出你的意见。
思路解析: 随着科技的发展,食品的种类和质量都有了提高,那么这是好事,还是坏事?这就是本题所问的关键所在。 雅思写作不是要你去讨论转基因食品到底是好是坏,一方面你的英文水平还无法对此进行讨论(很多同学可能连转基因怎么说都不知道),另一方面,这个问题本身都还有争议,国际上专家之间都还有不同意见。那么,雅思作文如何来讨论这个问题呢?首先,食品选择多样化,质量提高,这当然有好处,我们可以选择我们喜欢吃的食品,比如喜欢吃西瓜的人以前只能在夏天吃,而现在冬天也可以吃了,同时,选择多了,质量高了,意味着我们可以补充身体的营养需求,从而提高我们的身体健康;但是,这样的情形也有坏处,比如,太多的选择有时候让我们长期吃那些对我们身体有害的食品,引发肥胖症等疾病,同时,依靠食品技术而非天然生产的食品,有可能对我们的身体产生危害。 在讨论这个看似不那么流行的话题时,我们应学会将话题引到实际生活,将话题引至我们的生活,健康,学习的关联之中去讨论。忌讳将话题引向哲学,宗教,政治等宏大背景中,那样不仅写不好,弄不好还写不清楚,结果事与愿违,会牺牲掉很多分数。 Sample answer: Food science and technology has brought better food and more choices to our table.Many people cheer for this development while others are pretty cautious about it. On the one hand, many people are happy because now they can eat their favorite food any time they like to. For instance, some 20 years ago, those who like water melon could enjoy it only in summer because water melon used to be grown in that season. Yet today, owing to the new technology, water melon fans can eat it to the full of their stomach even in the depths of winter. Meanwhile, this wider choice of food provides people with better nutrition, which is definitely beneficial to their health. One example is that people now can have almost all vegetables all the year round, so compared with before, they now have a better chance to maintain a healthy diet. On the other hand, this situation may also be harmful to our health. With the wider range and better quality of food on table, many people find it hard to resist the temptation to over eat their favorites. This is actually the main reason why many people today become overweight and suffer from such diseases accordingly as obesity, heart trouble and diabetes, to name only a few. At the same time, it is still open to question whether those modified food will do harm to our body system. Chances are that they will, because they are not natural, after all. I would argue for the increased range and quality of food because it grants us more freedom in the food we eat. Though it has some potential risks to our health, those risks can well be minimized by our good judgment. As long as we try to avoid overeating, the wider choice and better quality of food brought over by food technology will be more a blessing than a curse to us human beings. (321 words) 以上内容原载于“唐老雅”,如有版权问题,请联系七悠雅思管理员修改或删除。 ![]() |