雅思2016-03-17 17:28:27来源 : 点击:

 同学们大家好,今天来跟大家讲一下如何在家学习雅思口语。现在大家思考一下,Is there a difference between the way you practice at home and what you do in the test?在家学习和在考场上有什么区别?


1. Spend one minute planning 用一分钟的时间构思你的答案

2. Try to speak for 2 minutes 用两分钟的时间来回答


1. Write a quick plan 快速写出你的构思

2. Record yourself speaking 对自己的回答进行录音

3. Transcribe what you said 把你说的话写在纸上

4. Improve your description 提高你的描述


Describe a subject that you think should be removed from school education programmes.

You should say

What the subject is

Why you think it is unnecessary

And explain what you would replace it with



Step 1: write a quick plan

下面是先给大家一个Example plan:

Art ( drawing, painting… )

Not an essential skill, can do at home

More work on core subjects


Step 2:record yourself speaking

第二步,你要录音,比如说我录了答案的第一句I think that art could be removed from school education programmes.

Step 3: transcribe what you said

第三步,把你的答案誊写到纸上。举个例子,我在纸上写下答案的第一句话:I think that art could be removed from school education programmes.我之所以要写下来,是因为我需要在第四步中进步改善提高;

Step 4: improve your description

再贴一遍原句:I think that art could be removed from school education programmes.

接下来我要对原句进行改良了,首先I think这种表达非常不加分,我决定把它改写成:

I am going to suggest that art could be removed from school education programmes.

注意此句中removed from来自于原题目,所以也应该被改写:

I am going to suggest that art could be taken out of school education programmes.

同样地,school education programmes也来自原题目,应该被改写:

I am going to suggest that art could be taken out of the school curriculum.

这样这改好了,和原句相比,在用词和一些细节方面都有很大的提升。最后,Phoebe老师要告诉大家的是,Don’t just test yourself home. Try to improve your answers. Work on vocabulary, and work on other details!在家自学的时候不要一直测验自己,而是要试图改善提高自己的回答,专注在用词和一些细节上!
