雅思口语的备考,很多考生都比较注重part1、2的备考,往往会忽略part3。part3其实是很多口语考官对于考生的英语水平的真正试金石。因为part1偏向浅显,part2因为是个人陈述,留下太多作弊的空间(背答案)。唯有part3,建立在part2的原有问题和考生的个人陈述之上,所问的问题更为深入广博而有针对性,是最能体现真实水平的。,下面就为大家带来雅思口语Part3的4大类问题分析及解题思路,希望大家能够关注。 1.比较型 是第三部分常见的一种考试题型,具体来说又可以分为 1)时间比较time comparison( are houses nowadays , the same as houses 30 years ago in your country?) 这类比较题需要用不同的时态。 2)社会群体(social group)的比较,例如 do men and women like the same types of books? Do old and young people like the same holidays? 3)地域的比较 Are houses in North China the same as houses in China? 在回答这类问题的时候大家要注意,你所得分的点不是你所描述的“difference”, 而是你需要会用一些比较的结构,和句型。The comparative language is “whereas, in contrast, while on the other hand”. 所以我们来总结一下这类题型的回答方法, Well obviously…. Well undoubtedly………. There are a number of underlying differences. However, I guess that the most significant would be that…….. For example……. Whereas on the other hand……… In addition ……. ……a second key distinction would be that……. 2. 预测型 也是part 3 经常考得一类题型,例如题目” what will houses be like in the future?” 这类题型主要是考察学生表达未来情况的能力。所以我们回答此类题的时候,不要仅仅运用比较简单的结构(I will buy cars) ,应该用一些比较复杂的表达未来的结构,下面给大家总结一个关于此类问题的模板 I am sure that in years to come we will see a number of changes related to this. Primarily, it looks quite probable that we are going to have……. On top of this, it is quite likely that we will soon have ……. 3. 原因型 原因类问题,顾名思义,就是对某件事情或现象的原因进行分析。通常根据不同的题目从不同的大方向分析,或者社会普遍现象着手,例如:从政府角度、经济发展、历史原因、文化背景、宗教特点、家庭情况、个人经历等不同方面来分析。 下面我们来看看具体的问题模式: Interviewer: Why....?AA/hat is the reason of...? Interviewee: Well, it is a topic that people have been talking about for quite a while. Some believe that ...is the main reason why others claim that it is a natural result of the fact that ... Well, I can’t say whose side I am on. They both make their points. I guess the reason is a little bit of both. 所以当遇到具体的问题时,考生可以直接填充内容即可,当然,在这个环节上考生要做到语言精准、流利,表达自然。这里也只是比较常见的一种问题形式,并不是唯一的一种,考生参考即可,以便在备考的时候能够有章法可循,part3兼顾之。在实际的考试中还是要根据具体的问题进行展开。 4)优劣型 该类型的题目,也是第三部分非常常见的题目 “ what are the advantages of travelling by train” 很多同学在回答此类问题的时候,会用比较简单的答题方法 “ I think there are many advantages; for example……..”为了回答好此类问题,我们尽量用一些比较复杂的结构, Well, I suppose there are quite a few clear benefits. But I would probably say that for the most part, the one thing that really stands out is that….. This is obvious favorable because….. As well as this a further favorable aspect would be that….. 上述所有的问题的的共性就是都要有足够的论据来支撑考生要表达的主题。而且这些问题都是比较大的社会层面的问题和普遍的社会现象,所以分析一定要到位,不可想part1那样只简单表明,还要有理有据方可让考官信服,才能够显示出自己的口语水平和知识面。可以说这一部分是最能够拉开分数的,所以考生一定要认真对待。 ![]() |