雅思口语高频Part2话题参考答案--Describe a time you watched the sky.
摘要:雅思口语Part 2的话题考试时长最长的,需要考生回答大约一分半钟到两分钟,由考生抽取自己需要的话题卡进行作答。我们在考前复习时需要多看一些具有代表性的参考答案,以防万一考试时抽到对自己来说比较难的话题,而无话可说! 对于雅思口语Part 2来说,复习时多准备一些素材是百利无一害的。Part2部分是比较考验考生口语水平的,通常需要1-2分钟的回答时间。同学们在备考阶段一定需要多积累一些口语话题,避免考试时因为紧张,不熟悉导致不知道说什么。小编在这里大家分享Part 2七悠原创话题“
Describe a time you watched the sky.”,希望对大家有帮助! Describe a time you watched the sky. You should say: when this happened who you were with, what you saw, and explain how you felt about watching the sky. 北京的星空 I remembered last time I watched the sky happened about several months ago when I travelled to Beijing with some good friends after finishing the final examination. During the trip, we heard that there was going to be a meteor shower(流星雨), so we decided to camp in the Fragrant Hill(香山) in order to find the best view(找到最好的视角) to appreciate this astronomical wonder(天文器奇观). Unluckily, after finishing the preparation work, including putting up the tent(搭帐篷) and setting up the camera tripod(架好相机三脚架), we found that we could hardly see anything in the sky, since the air quality in Beijing was not that good and the haze was quite serious in those days. The sky looked totally gray, we could not even see a star in the sky. I felt that the air was filled with a smell of dust and it made me really uncomfortable. As for my feeling about watching the sky, I felt really disappointed. I haven’t seen the meteor shower before, so I was eager to(渴望) see it. At the same time, I felt that the whole society should work together to protect the environment immediately. The reason why the haze is existed is that the exhausted gas(废气) from the metallurgical plants(冶金厂), coal mines(煤矿) and the cars has increased the dust in the air. There is no doubt that our ecological system will be influenced in the long run if we do not make any reaction to the haze. In this case, I think that the government should encourage the whole society to work together in order to create an environment-friendly society(创建环境友好型社会). 本题要求考生描述看天空的感受,其实第一反应我们可能会想到看星星的场景,又会觉得并不是很好说。那我们仔细想一想最近的雾霾问题,可以引出天空是灰蒙蒙的进而引深到环保问题,这样的话这个话题就会好说很多。开头的时候直接描述上次看天空是和几个朋友去北京旅游的时候。因为听说有流星雨(meteor shower),所以我们想去香山(the Fragrant Hill)上找个好的视角(find the best view)来欣赏这样一次天文奇观(astronomical wonder).然而当我们做好一系列的准备工作后(putting up the tent and setting up the camera tripod),我们发现因为北京最近空气不好雾霾严重导致天空几乎是灰色的。然后紧接着就可以说说自己的感受。首先当然自己感到很失望。其次就可以引申到环保角度,我觉得整个社会应该立刻行动起来保护环境。雾霾形成的原因是因为各种废气(the exhausted gas)增加了空气中的灰尘,长期下来就会影响生态系统(ecological system)。因此我觉得政府应该鼓励全社会来合作从而创造一个环境友好型社会(create an environment-friendly society)。