雅思2016-07-08 16:43:07来源 : 小站教育点击:


回到正题,究竟不同分数段雅思口语中词汇运用能有些声明区别呢?接下来给大家举个例子就一目了然了。例:“通过这扇窗户你可以看到一走大楼”,把这句话翻译成英文试试。简单吧,是不难,但是翻译地道了不容易。翻译1:Throught this window you can see a building. 翻译2: You can see a building through this window. 翻译3:There is a building can be seen through this window. 以上这三个翻译你觉得哪个最地道?没错,当然是第三个。首先第一个翻译只不过就是把中文字去掉换成了英文而已,语序上没有任何的变化,在我看来这不叫英语,只能叫披着英语外衣的中文而已,所以在口语中得分不会超过5.5分。第二个翻译就不一样了,至少考生了解并运用了英语中最常见的“语序”也就是中心思想在前修饰在后,这一点是非常值得肯定的,所以可以给到6-6.5分。再看看第三个翻译,这个考生用了there be引导加上被动语态的表达再加上“英语语序”从而让整个英语听上去非常的地道,那么得到7-7.5分也就顺理成章了!


题目是Decribe a good teacher.

范文:Everyone may have many teachers in their life. Some may be helpful to him, while others may not. Here I would like to talk about my head teacher in my high school, Mrs. Hu. She is a middle aged woman in her forties. She has a very cute face and friendly to others. Everyone likes her at first sight.

Mrs. Hu is very responsible for us. Every time when students in her class have troubles, she would be the first one there to offer help, so she is very busy and have less time to stay with her family.

She is very skillful in her teaching and management of the class. She knows how to teach those naughty boys, how to arouse our interests in learning, and how to unite our class together. Being one of her students, we all feel proud

She is very professional in teaching knowledge to students. She teaches politics in the high school, and it seems that she knows a lot about the situation in china and in the world. She likes to teach the knowledge by telling us stories and her own analysis. This helps us greatly in understanding the knowledge and remembering the facts.

She is really a good teacher, friendly, responsible, skillful and professional. We all love her.


