想要在Part 2开场白震惊考官吗?我来教你!
稍微了解过雅思口语的烤鸭们,都知道在雅思口语Part2中,考官给你一个话题卡,要求考生在1分钟的准备时间之后,进行1.5-2分钟话题卡的陈述。很多考生一出口,就让考官有了先入为主的感觉,这就是不太注重开场白造成的。甚至有些考生完全没有说开场白而直接进入描述,这样不仅使陈述听起来不顺畅、不完整、不不自然,这些都会在一定程度上影响到最后的分数。建议开场白的目的,就是为了引起考官的兴趣,和考官建立积极的关系,建立可信度,同时也能概括主干部分的内容,让整个Part2陈述听起来更为自然。以下针对建议开场白中引起考官兴趣这一目的,为考生们提供不同的开场方式。 而雅思口语的Part2是整场口语考试的重中之重。所以呢,很多同学也会给予这一部分应有的重视,对其极其上心。所以在考前准备口语素材的时候,也一定要好好重视开场白,这一块,才会让你的雅思口语考试更像在跟考官交流,那么你的分数就绝对不会低。
一起来看看小编的分析: 1. 在回答很多Part 2话题都可以用这么一句话“我知道有很多的……但是给我印象最深刻的是……”也就是I have known many….but the one that impresses me the most is… 这里I have known替代了I know这样的词组,现在完成时代替了一般现在时,在语法上会得到更高的分数。另外,这里的many还可以用其它的量词代替,这样的词组有:a number of, plenty of, numerous. 2. 在回答第一句话的时候尽量用定语从句,这样在就有了评分标准里要求的复杂句。答案这句话里有一个that引导的定语从句。 3. 回答Part 2的问题尽量不要讲 I would like to talk about… 因为没有一个native speaker会这么讲,这是一句Chinglish(中式英语),会让你的英语听起来很不自然。直接按照答案的这句话讲是最地道的表达。 4. impress这个单词属于高分词汇,它的用法是something/ someone impresses me——某事或某人给我留下了深刻的印象;impression是它的名词形式,它可以这么来用:I have a good impression about someone/ something. 另外,impressive 是它的形容词形式,比如,你可以讲someone/ something is impressive! 大家会用了吗? 5. 在雅思口语中介绍某人时一定要提及对方的名字。这是中西方文化的不同:在中文里,我们会说我的好朋友;英文里会说one of my good friends Jessie.西方人会说出对方的名字以示尊重,西方文化是以个体(individual)为单位的。所以我们这句答案主人公的名字就是Jackie. 大家学会怎么讲Part 2的开头了吗?请大家按照我讲的模板,回答以下几个话题的开头句: Describe a movie you like: I have watched plenty of movies but the one that impresses me the most is “Beauty and Beast”.
Describe a book you like: I have read numerous books but the one that impresses me the most is “Grimms' Fairy Tales”.
Describe a person who speaks a good foreign language: I have known a number of people who dresses well but the one that impresses me the most is my friend Ariel.
接下来,小编带着你就人物类、地点类、物品类、时间经历类等等来举例说明我们应该使用怎样的开场白。 1. 人物类 Describe an interesting neighbor you have. 建议开场白: - Speaking of an interesting neighbor, it reminds me of Catherine who is kind and beautiful, just moving in my community several months ago. - In terms of an interesting neighbor, I am about to talk about Catherine who is kind and beautiful, just moving in my community several months ago.
2. 地点类 Describe a quiet place you often visit. 建议开场白: - When it comes to a quiet cafe often visit, it reminds me of University Library where I often have a reading. - In terms of a cafe I like to visit, I am about to talk about the University Library where I often have a reading.
3. 物品类 Describe a book that you would like to read again. 建议开场白: - As for a book that I am willing to read again, it reminds me of the Harry Potter I had read in my high school. - In terms of a book that I am willing to read again, I am about to talk about the Harry Potter I had read in my high school.
4. 经历类 Describe a time you spent with a child. 建议开场白: - Speaking of a time I spent with a child, it reminds me of an experience when I accompanied my little cousin when visiting my sister days ago - In terms of a time I spent with a child, I want to talk about an experience when I accompanied my little cousin when visiting my sister ago
其实在考场上,你的part 2只回答一次,所以这些所有的开场白,你都可以选择来用,不会出现重复的现象,记得当时小编,就用了when it comes to + sth. 走遍所有的雅思刷分过程。其实你需要记住的句式非常简单,开始的时候只要能够流畅地连接问题和你想说的内容就足够啦!千万不要一来就想表达出非常高分的回答,一定要确保你的开场白是没有任何错误的。除了开场白,多去准备准备答题的实质内容,用自己独特的思想和符合西方的逻辑表达去征服考官才是最重要的。 |